Online reviews are
We are making reviews more credible for customers and businesses alike
We are making reviews more credible for customers
and businesses alike
to be among the first businesses
with access to BeAssured
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How we're fixing review ecosystems
The old way
Review platforms like Google and Yelp are filled with inauthenticity, unfair bias, and vagueness. They're not helpful to customers or business owners.
The BeAssured way
We give customers trusted, high-quality reviews and empower small businesses to increase their revenue.
How small businesses benefit
Increase the number of detailed reviews about your business on all the platforms that matter.
Increase the number of detailed reviews about your business on all
the platforms that matter.
Tools that work almost as hard as you do
Valuable insights, automated review responses, improved SEO, and social media content are just a few ways BeAssured empowers small businesses to engage with their customers.
All your reviews, in one place
Our platform consolidates reviews from multiple platforms like Yelp and Google, giving you a holistic view of all your customer feedback.
Increased review participation
Our frictionless user experience and rewards system drives participation more than your typical platform.
How consumers benefit
Gain a deeper understanding of others' experiences
Read other customers' responses to specific, personalized questions from our AI-powered platform.
Get the full story
Leave static, outdated reviews behind. Read ongoing feedback from repeat customers who have something new to say
Know which reviews to trust
Our platform transparently scores reviews based on multiple factors, like relevancy and specificity. We don't surface conversations that don't meet our reliability standards
Get rewarded for your input
Receive something in return for your valuable feedback and reviews.
Know which reviews to trust
Our platform transparently scores reviews based on multiple factors, like relevancy and specificity. We don't surface conversations that don't meet our reliability standards
We're currently serving


154+ Businesses

18+ Niches

We're getting even better
Meet Voice, our political discourse forum. Though we're primarily focused on business reviews, BeAssured launched Voice to build a user base and get better at facilitating conversations
Reviews that fuel strong community networks
Our vision reaches far beyond being a review platform. BeAssured's ultimate goal is to foster an ecosystem where small businesses can connect, collaborate, and grow together. A rising tide lifts all boats, and we see authentic reviews as the ultimate tide.